Collin Leitch

collinleitch at gmail dot com

Sleeve Multiplication 10, 2024


Point Free - @ Cierah

Sleeve Multiplication 5, 2024


FS01, 2023
Polylactic acid, mahogany, and danish oil

Profiled at

Firsthand Knowledge, 2022

Polylactic acid, mahogany, and danish oil

World Edit - @ Shoot The Lobster

"I first turned to 3D printing as a way to generate broad, precise swaths of plastic that I could incorporate into larger sculptural
assemblages. Most of the prints themselves are extrusions of two-dimensional shapes rather than figurines or scale models that would
usually require a higher level of detail than a PLA extrusion printer is able to provide. Even in these pieces, the continuous slopes and
CAD curves come up against the limit of printable resolution, resulting in significant areas of sequential, visible layers of deposited
plastic. I have come to embrace this topography, as to me it is the material trace of how the 3D printer encodes information, like film
grain, or the scan lines of analog video.

All the constituent prints of each piece are mounted on mahogany hardwood, a species which was at one point used for the exteriors
of wood paneled cars. The wood has been shaped using a computer controlled milling system that functions similarly to the 3D
printer–however, it is a subtractive process, while the 3D printer is an additive one. These processes resolve each other, like identically
weighted values on opposite sides of an equal sign. I have taken to calling these pieces relief drawings, and treating the surface of the
relief as a unified, comprehensive volume, whose contours bear a plausible relationship to those in the drawings’ source, as if, at the
boundary of each piece, in whatever shape it may take, it has been edited, or cut out of the world.""

Genesis Invitational, 2022

Polylactic acid, mahogany and danish oil

Exposure, 2021

Polylactic acid, mahogany and danish oil

Untitled, 2021

Polylactic acid, mahogany and danish oil

The Small Back Room (Berkey B*mb), 2022

Polylactic acid, mahogany, danish oil, steel, aluminum

Vieiwing, 2021

Tonick, 2021

Arck (Cusanus), 2021

Rabbitt, 2021

The Reversions (Absolute Island), 2020

True Sconce, 2020

Orienteering (Excerpt)

Team Gallery - Camera Rider

Orienteering, 2019, 18:08

Endeavor, 2019

Rejoinder, 2019

Remainder, 2019

Extinction of Images

Team Gallery - Scenes of the American Landscape

Extinction of Images at Hotel Neptune

Lesson 2: Season Unending

Infinite Compressed Comparisons at HOLIDAY

'Not Every Place You Fit In Is Where You Belong' with Theodore Darst at King's Leap, April 2018

4th Dream, 2017

Bitmoji Truther at Magenta Plains, April 2017

Lesson 1: IWHBYD -- With Max Wortman, 2015